Wednesday 26 August 2009

So I left the topic of requirements for life a bit unfinished to say the least in the last post, so will pick up with the ‘Justice’ thought; We live in a world that is crying out for justice and even has many organizations that are set up to promote justice. But what is it really? Well a simple dictionary definition comes down to the idea of impartial... But at the end of the day it is something that when it is right we know it and when we are treated un-justly we know that as well.

There are days that justice would give me things I really don’t want, that I would receive the penalty of the deeds I messed up in. and there are other days I just want a fair go in life. So really what I desire in the area of justice is just getting what is fair and balanced and impartial. But we all tend to want our idea of justice for ‘me’ and let the other guy get what he gets.

But God requires us to ‘do justice’, this is about more than what we want, it is about how we live our lives. It is about how we treat our fellow man. I was reminded again of one of the great documents in history as I listened to a group of actors read the US Declaration of Independence. It has been a while since I read that document for myself, but to actually hear it read was well worth the effort and a reminder of the sense of what we are to be about. That famous line; “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It gives to me a sense of what justice is, it outlines things that are essential to human life and dignity.

But too often I fear we want it for me at the cost of others, forgetting that God wants us to live this principle for ourselves but also for our community, country and the world at large. While I understand that I will never change the world as such, I hope that I can at least influence a few others around me to be better, to live justly as we try to be impartial in our treatment of each other. It will often come back to the two great commandments that say; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength and the second is like it, love your neighbour as yourself, on these two hang all the law and prophets.

But as we add living justly, treating people around as they deserve to be treated in an impartial and fair manner, to our standard of life, we must grow into the second requirement of loving kindness or as the old Authorized Version puts it, love mercy...

To be continued...

Monday 24 August 2009

Hard to believe how fast this summer has flown by. When I originally wrote this it was just a week and the children were to be back in school, and now they are a week into the new term. Several o of the children let me know they didn't want to be reminded of that tremendous fact. Yet some are so very ready for this event to take place... the mothers.

I have on my Facebook page an album of pictures I took around the Brechin and Glen Esk area in the early spring. I vowed that I would get back to these places several times over the spring and take up-date pictures. I wanted to do so each week to show the progress of spring, suddenly I find that even the thistles are well bloomed and my Elderflower champagne is ready to drink. Where did the time fly to? I think how busy I get some days and I am sure there are too many days you feel the same way. Busy. Busy. Busy...

Even as I am trying to think of something creative to say, to make us think as we go our way day to day I have a dozen things rattling about in my head that I need to do before my day is done. And yet again I ask myself if these are the important things or just good things. If all that list are the best things or just things that need doing.

And the reminder comes flying out of Micah chapter 6 that cries out with a similar question of what does it take to please God? All my good things I do day to day, bowing before the Lord on high, maybe it is offerings given, maybe a calf...? No surely it is not that easy, maybe it is a thousand rams given or ten thousand rivers of oil offered...? Maybe it is even that proverbial first born child?

But actually it is something simpler, yet harder in that it goes against our nature some days. It is the requirement of “do Justice, and love Mercy and to walk Humbly with your God...” Just three simple things; Justice, mercy/kindness and humility in our day to day walk, with God to help us in this our life journey. Can it really be so simple? Can it really be done? Well we have to try and God wouldn’t require it if it was impossible...

To be continued...